Nose Equipment Pod
The Nose Equipment Pod has been developed to introduce on the AS350 helicopter to locate in a single “easy to install” pod different type of survey sensors (such as Cameras, Laser scanners…).
The pod is mounted on AirFilm Camera Systems AFSP-1 single pole mount.
A variety of different type/models of sensors can be installed inside an aluminum machined pod customized around the customer’s sensors. Internal dampers can be fitted according specific sensor needs. The installation is entirely removable and can be easily fitted without need of special tools.
The maximum Pod’s weight, including sensors, is 68 kg (150 lbs) with a maximum frontal area of 2322 cm2 (2,5 sq. ft) and 15 cm (6 in) ground clearance.
Computers, data loggers and acquisition units associated to the externally mounted sensors, alongside with a keyboard and a foldable screen can be installed in a dedicated computer rack mounted in the aft cabin.
The computer rack is a standard “19-inch computer rack”, over 80 cm high and 65 cm deep capable of hosting a large quantity of computers for “multiple-sensors” missions.
The computer rack can be connected to the radio altimeter and to a dedicated external GPS antenna, mounted over the cabin roof, if such data are needed during data acquisition.
The track information are given to the pilot using a 7-inch widescreen LCD display, or alternatively, a lightbar.
The rack is powered by a single point “Power Utility Outlet” on the cabin aft wall capable of up to 40A continuous load. The power is controlled via a dedicated on/off push button on the pilot’s console and status shown via a “Utility Power” indicator light on the instrument panel.
Before installation, the installer shall determine any possible conflict of this installation with other modifications already installed on the helicopter that may introduce adverse effect on airworthiness of the product or jeopardize flight safety.
Varies depending configuration. Normally the fixed part of the installation (i.e. not removable, such as cut outs, power outlet…) are kept to a minimum. Installation of computers and sensors is performed through quick reconfigurations to minimize grounding time of the helicopter.
Approval Form, installation instructions, material list, drawings, wiring diagrams, instructions for continued airworthiness, rotorcraft flight manual supplement.
The customized Pod is designed to fit customer’s sensors and is supplied as a kit.
Different type of kit can be available on request (on the base of the customization of the installation).
The consumable materials required for the installation are not contained in the material kit and shall be ordered separately at vendors indicated in the material list.
EASA Minor change AS350 B, BA, B1, B2 and B3
Airlift AS is an EASA Part-21 Subp. J Approved Design Organisation (Approval No. EASA.21J.315).
Delivery time for document package and for the Kit: Contact us
Contact us for more information